Reading Test Item 4

Question 1 is designed based on Bloom's Taxonomy Level 2- Comprehension. Students will have to go through the passage to understand the meaning of "once in a blue moon".

Question 2 is designed based on Bloom's Taxonomy Level 1-Knowledge as the question is straight forward and students are able to find the answers from the text.

Question 3 is designed based on Bloom's Taxonomy Level 2- Comprehension. Students will have to understand the types of moon given in the text well in order to get the correct answer.

Question 4 is designed based on Bloom's Taxonomy Level 3- Application. Students will have to apply what they have learned from the test in order to construct the sentence.

Question 5 is designed based on Bloom's Taxonomy Level 4- Analysis. Students are required to analyse about the blue moon, ie, ways it is formed, and summarise it in their own way of putting it but does not derive far from the original meaning.

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